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Greetings in all languages have the same purpose: to establish contact with another person, to recognize his or her existence, and to show friendliness. The formulas for greeting are very specific and usually do not carry any literal meaning. People say “Good morning” even if it is a miserable day and may reply to “How are you?” with “Fine, thanks,” even if they aren’t feeling well.The greeting is always returned, often in the same form but with different stress
People who are together every day greet one another the first time they meet each day. They do not shake hands.
When people have not seen each other for a long nme, the greeting is often enthusiastic and is usually accompanied by shaking hands among men, hugging among both men and women, and sometimes a kiss on the cheek among women.

Here are the examples of greeting. The phrases near the top of the list generally more formal than the ones near the bottom.

Good morning Good morning
Good afternoon Good afternoon
Good evening Good evening
How nice to see you! What a pleasant surprise! Yes, it’s been quite a while
Hello, Robert Hello, Kathryn
How are you? Fine, thanks. And you?
Hi, Bob Hi, Kathy
How’ve you been? Pretty good
What’s happening? Not much
What’s new? Nothing
How are you doing? OK
How you doing? Not bad
Long time no see Yeah

10 respons untuk ‘Greeting

    syahruzzaky said:
    Maret 17, 2019 pukul 11:59 am


    syahruzzaky said:
    Maret 11, 2019 pukul 9:33 am


    syahruzzaky said:
    Maret 11, 2019 pukul 6:40 am

    I like your writing.

    engkresenglish said:
    Desember 30, 2013 pukul 10:58 pm

    Bagaimana halnya pemakaian Good Noon dan Good Day?

    Anonim said:
    Oktober 6, 2013 pukul 2:51 pm

    pak,nandang nazmudin 9f,udah pak ! nilainya 48

    bungsetywn said:
    April 9, 2013 pukul 12:14 am

    Reblogged this on bungsetywn's Blog.

    bungsetywn said:
    April 9, 2013 pukul 12:13 am
    pakdar said:
    Desember 10, 2012 pukul 5:30 pm

    Salam Kenal,
    Pengin bisa bahasa inggris, gimana ya caranya?

      Anonim said:
      April 23, 2018 pukul 12:20 pm

      pd hemat saya utk dpt paham & lancar dgn berbhs inggris hrs rajin membaca artikel berbhs inggris sbg cara utk menambah kosa kt,lalu sering praktik berbhs inggris meski dgn tmn dilanjut dgn native speaker … ingat ya kosa kt ditunjang dgn tata bhs agar lbh tertata dlm berbhs inggris spt org asing asli gitu …. and increase your vocab at least 3 to 5 words with the meaning of course. Peace be with you as well.and nice to communicate with u.

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